Awards and Scholarships

NCHO Awards

NCHO awards are given out each year during the NCHO Annual Conference as a way to recognize colleagues and partners for their outstanding work.

Annual awards include:

  • Alexis (Lexie) Kamerman Dedication to Social Justice and Peace Award
  • Graduate Student of the Year
  • Outstanding New Professional
  • Outstanding Mid-level Professional
  • Al Calarco Commitment to Excellence Award
  • Bob Dunnigan Lifetime Service and Achievement Award
  • Scott Braswell Award Description
  • Dan Wooten Award
  • R. Randy Rice Service Award

NCHO Scholarships

NCHO annually awards funds to delegates across the state to inspire a diverse attendance to our annual conference celebration. Submission is quick and easy and only requires you to answer two essay questions regarding your professional goals, how attending the conference might help you achieve them and how you plan to utilize the experience with attending the annual conference to enhance the residential community on your campus.  Now how easy is that!

In addition to the scholarships for annual conference attendance, NCHO provides scholarships for attendance at SEAHO, ACUHO-I, RELI and NHTI. To apply and learn more about those scholarships, visit the scholarships page.

To be eligible for a scholarship, candidates must follow the criteria for the specific award and submit the application and any required supporting documents.

Contact Information

For more questions, comments or concerns please contact:

Erin Schneller, Past President of NCHO