NCHO 2024 Award Season
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know for an award, please fill out the 2024 Awards Nomination Form. In addition, here is a print out form about the NCHO Awards and Descriptions.
Award nominations are due Monday, September 30th, 2024.
Alexis (Lexie) Kamerman Dedication to Social Justice and Peace Award
The Lexie Kamerman Dedication to Social Justice and Peace Award recognizes the contributions of professionals or programs in Housing or Residence Life that reach out to the institution/community/state/world to promote social justice and peace. They have demonstrated a significant contribution in their institution/community/state/world to increase inclusion and social justice working to further the cause of humanity.
Nominee Criteria:
- Be currently employed by a post-secondary institution in North Carolina.
- Have demonstrated a commitment to educating others on social justice and peace issues.
- Have enhanced the community’s knowledge of social justice and inclusion issues.
- Have demonstrated a commitment to finding solutions to inclusion and social justice issues.
- Have collaborated with other departments, groups and/or organizations (include current students at the institution in the planning and implementation of the program(s)).
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications, not to exceed 2 pages (part of the Nomination Form):
- Identify activities that are pertinent to this award including examples of programs and/or contributions to the institution/community/state/world.
- Speak of the nominee on his/her campus as well as how they have connected community/state/world.
Graduate Student of the Year
The Graduate Student of the Year Award recognizes the contributions of a graduate student in housing or residence life. The recipient must currently be, or have been during the previous academic year, enrolled as part-time/full-time graduate student in NC and employed by a Housing/Residence Life Department. They have made outstanding contributions to their campus position and/or academic program, which are considered to be above the expectations of a graduate student.
Nominee Criteria:
- Currently be, or have been during the previous academic year, enrolled as part-time/full-time graduate student at an institution in North Carolina and employed by a Housing/Residence Life Department.
- Have made an outstanding contribution to their campus position and/or academic program that is considered to be above the expectations of a graduate student.
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications, not to exceed 2 pages (part of the Nomination Form):
- Identifies nominee’s activities pertinent to this award, including examples of achievements and contributions, student’s future aspirations, etc.
Outstanding New Professional
The Outstanding New Professional Award recognizes a colleague in the first three years of professional level employment in Housing and Residence Life who displays exemplary service to the field and their own institution.
Nominee Criteria:
- Be currently employed by post-secondary institution of North Carolina.
- Be in the first three years of professional level employment.
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications, not to exceed 2 pages (part of the Nomination Form):
- Identifies activities that the nominee has been involved in that are pertinent to this award including examples of achievements and/or contributions, how they approach their work efforts, how they work with others, etc.
Outstanding Mid-level Professional
The Outstanding Mid-Level Professional Award recognizes a colleague that is within 3 to 7 years professional level employment in Housing and Residence Life. The recipient must display a commitment to exemplary service to the field and their own institution; this includes involvement within the profession, development of junior staff members, and exceptional commitment and work to further the mission of Housing and Residence Life.
Nominee Criteria:
- Be currently employed by post-secondary institution of North Carolina.
- Be in their third to seventh year in the field.
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications, not to exceed 2 pages (part of the Nomination Form):
- Identifies activities that the nominee has been involved in that are pertinent to this award including examples of achievements and/or contributions, how they approach their work efforts, how they work with others, etc.
Al Calarco Commitment to Excellence Award
The Al Calarco Commitment to Excellence Award recognizes the contributions of seasoned professionals with a minimum of 8 years of experience in the field. They have demonstrated outstanding performance, made a significant contribution to their campus and profession and have demonstrated a commitment to developing junior staff members.
Nominee Criteria:
- Be currently employed by a post-secondary institution in North Carolina. Nominee must be with their current institution at least two years.
- Be in the profession a minimum of eight years.
- Have demonstrated outstanding performance and commitment to excellence.
- Have made an outstanding contribution to their campus and profession.
- Have demonstrated a commitment of developing junior staff members.
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form..
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications, not to exceed 2 pages (part of the Nomination Form):
- Identify activities that are pertinent to this award including examples of achievements and/or contributions, they approach their work ethics, how they work with others.
- Speak to the exceptional performance of the nominee on his/her campus as well as the nominee’s role of developing junior staff members.
Bob Dunnigan Lifetime Service and Achievement Award
This award is recognition for quality, long-term contributions and outstanding efforts of deserving professionals. It is acknowledgement of competent administrative skills, merited status among colleagues, and support of the recipient’s campus community of students, faculty and staff. It is a tribute to the commitment to advancing the profession through leadership, research, and/or teaching, and the effectiveness of the recipient in developing junior staff members. The Bob Dunnigan Lifetime Service and Achievement Award reflects quality leadership in both university and community affairs.
Nominee Criteria:
- Be currently employed by a post-secondary institution in North Carolina. Nominee must be with their current institution at least two years.
- Be in the profession a minimum of ten years.
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications, not to exceed 2 pages (part of the Nomination Form):
- Identifies activities, achievements, and contributions that the nominee has been involved in that are pertinent to this award.
- Identifies ways in which the individual has contributed to the profession through leadership, research and/or teaching and development of staff members.
- Identifies commitment to the university and the community
Scott Braswell Award
The Scott Braswell Housing Function Award was established to recognize outstanding teams or individuals who work in functional areas within Housing or Residence Life programs at North Carolina institutions. To be eligible for this award the team or individual must be employed in a housing / residence life department and work in one of the following functional areas:
Assignments, Technology, Dining, Maintenance/Facilities/Housekeeping, Marketing, Operations, Finance
Nomination Criteria:
- Be currently employed in housing or residence life program in North Carolina
- Have made an outstanding contribution to their department
- Enhanced the living environment by providing excellent services to students and the housing or residence life department that they serve
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications, not to exceed 2 pages (part of the Nomination Form):
- Identifies activities that the nominee/functional has been involved in that are pertinent to this award including examples of achievements and/or contributions, how they approach work efforts, how they works with others, etc.
- Speak to the sustained exceptional performance of the nominee or functional area
Dan Wooten Award
The Dan Wooten Award is awarded to the institution’s student group known as RHA or RSA, or the group recognized as the governing body for residence hall students, for quality contributions at the local (campus and community), state, and regional levels.
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- A letter of endorsement from the Director of Housing and/or Residence Life is required (please email to the current NCHO Past President).
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications, not to exceed 2 pages (part of the Nomination Form):
- Identify and explain accomplishments, results, and special initiatives of the group. (Due to the timing of the Annual NCHO conference, the nomination can be based on accomplishments of the prior academic year).
- The nomination should address how the organization has worked to meet the needs of, and improve the quality of life for the residential students.
Susan Grant Award for Outstanding Membership
Mentorship is critical to the development and sustainability of future HRL practitioners. To recognize the contributions and importance of outstanding mentors, NCHO has established the The Susan Grant Award for Outstanding Mentorship. An extraordinary mentor and leader for more than 30 years in the state of North Carolina, Susan Grant played a pivotal role in nurturing the next generation of housing professionals. Her mentorship and guidance has empowered countless entry-level staff, colleagues, and peers to reach their full potential, and her unwavering support and commitment to professional development has created a legacy of leaders who continue to shape the field of student housing today.
Effective mentoring involves getting to know a mentee’s personal strengths and future goals, then providing tailored advice and encouragement. This award is presented to individuals who demonstrate exceptional dedication and commitment to offering guidance and support to students or staff members within the realm of housing and residence life. Recipients of this award go above and beyond in their mentorship and support efforts, setting a high standard for excellence in their role as housing staff members. Through their actions, they inspire and positively impact the personal and professional development of those they mentor, fostering a supportive and nurturing environment within the housing and residence life community. This award serves as a way to honor their remarkable contributions and their role in enhancing the educational and personal experiences of those they mentor.
- Be currently employed by a post‐secondary institution in North Carolina.
- NCHO will consider a number of characteristics that define outstanding mentorship to guide the selection of the award recipient. These include:
- actively cultivating in mentees the pursuit of professional excellence, whether in housing operations, residential living and learning, student leadership, faculty engagement, or another housing related functional area;
- investing in their mentee’s professional development and career progress, providing guidance and constructive feedback while encouraging the mentee to gain confidence in their own skills and intellectual independence, regardless of their ultimate career interest;
- challenging mentees to achieve their full potential, which includes the completion of trainings, presentations, projects and meaningful contributions to the housing and residence life community
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications, not to exceed 2 pages (part of the Nomination Form):
- Identify activities that are pertinent to this award including examples of achievements and/or contributions, their work ethic and professional ethics, and how they work with others.
- Speak to the exceptional performance of the nominee on his/her campus as well as the nominee’s role of developing junior staff members
- Selection for this award will be based on first-hand knowledge of an individual’s influence as a mentor. Current or former trainees can nominate faculty members who served as their mentors, and nominees will then be invited to submit additional supporting information
R. Randy Rice Service Award
R. Randy Rice Service Awards are given to those deserving staff at individual institutions that have gone beyond the call of duty and/or service to support the mission, goals, and/or activities of the Residence Life and/or Housing program. Any member of the campus community; housekeeping staff, maintenance staff, food service staff, secretarial staff, and faculty members are eligible for this award.
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- Description of Nominee’s Qualifications and a short paragraph (part of the Nomination Form) explaining the Nominee’s service to your Residence Life/Housing program.
NCHO Service Pins
Service pins will be awarded annually to members of the Executive Council and subcommittee chairs who have not already received a service pin. No more than five other pins may be awarded to individuals for outstanding service to NCHO, SEAHO or ACUHO‐I or for “special recognition” outside of the above criteria.
Nomination Materials:
- A completed Award Nomination Form.
- A brief (short paragraph) explanation of why the nominee should receive this recognition