Working With an Executive Board Brandon Nelson – Appalachian State In this sessions, participants will discuss how advisers work with the student leaders in their organization. They will discuss the purpose and goals behind: retreats, officer training, job descriptions, position identification, team expectations, group organization models, developmental activities and regular […]
9 posts
Meetings & Activities Charles Clency – UNC Greensboro Course content includes information about the role of the organization adviser in the various meetings (general and executive board) as well as the role during events, programs, and other activities that the organization is responsible for. Case studies allow for group discussion […]
Advisor As an Information Source Alicia Vest – Appalachian State This is the introductory course to the Adviser Recognition and Training Institute (ART). Course content includes information that the adviser of a residential student organization should be aware of for their campus as well as state, regional, and national residence […]