Sponsorship is another way to participate in the NCHO Conference. The NCHO Sponsorship structure has been redeveloped to include specific outlined opportunities that your company will receive to match the level of sponsorship you choose. While sponsorship is not required, it is a strong benefit to your organization to receive the maximum return on your investment. The sponsorship tiers list out each level of sponsorship and the benefits you will receive.
Any questions about sponsorship opportunities should be sent to corporatepartners@ncho.org
Tier One (Silver): $500
Pre-Conference Benefit
- Social media announcement prior to conference
Conference Benefit
- Sponsorship Ribbon for conference name tag
- Listed on Sponsorship page on website
- Sponsorship highlighted during Corporate Partner Lunch (Signage)
Post-Conference Benefit
- Shoutout after the conference in NCHO’s The Nest Newsletter (NCHO Listserv)
Tier Two (Gold): $1500
Pre-Conference Benefit
- Social media shoutout prior to conference
Conference Benefit
- +Company name/logo displayed on conference materials
- +Co-sponsorship of Opening Event (highlight during opening event included)
- Sponsorship Ribbon for conference name tag
- Listed on Sponsorship page on website
- Sponsorship highlighted during Corporate Partner Lunch (Signage)
Post-Conference Benefit
- +Recognition on the NCHO website
- Shoutout after the conference in NCHO’s The Nest Newsletter (NCHO Listserv)
Tier three (Platinum): $2500
Pre-Conference Benefit
- Social media spotlight prior to conference
Conference Benefit
- Sponsorship of an event at the conference; determined with sponsorship co-chairs
- Logos on welcome banner
- Priority preference of booth location in exhibit hall
- Co-sponsorship of Closing Event (highlight during opening event included)
- Additional Corporate Partner Lunch included with sponsorship (this covers meals for two additional people)
- Guidebook Push Notification during Exhibit Area Hours
- Co-sponsorship of Opening Event (highlight during opening event included)
- Company name/logo displayed on conference materials
- Sponsorship Ribbon for conference name tag
- Listed on Sponsorship page in Guidebook
- Sponsorship highlighted during Corporate Partner Lunch (Signage)
Post-Conference Benefit
- Recognition on the NCHO website
- Shoutout after the conference in NCHO’s The Nest Newsletter (NCHO Listserv)
Sponsorship Payment
Please reach out to business@ncho.org to learn more about how to make a sponsorship payment.