Recruitment & Retention
Andrew Pasch – UNC Charlotte
Advisor Recognition and Training (ART) Core 3: Recruitment and Retention. Come and engage in the conversation about getting students into your leadership positions, as well as how to train, develop and eventually retain them for coming years. I will share resources and concepts important to this process, but hope to facilitate a conversation between the group’s experience and answer questions attendees have about advising.
Strategically Plan for the Career You Want
Krystal Allen & Janai Hawkins – NC Central University
So you just started your first assistantship and already you have been asked “What do you plan on doing after this position?” As exciting as this question can be, at times providing an answer can be daunting if you are not sure what the next step looks like. Do you go for the terminal degree? Is Housing/Res Life where you want to spend your career? You have so many passions and the choices are unlimited. It’s okay to have questions and pondering about the next step. You just need a plan! Based around the Career Development Model, this session is aimed at providing participants with a foundation for developing a strategic Career Development Plan that is fluid and ever evolving. Join us in learning ways to manage your career and how to incorporate others into your vision of success.
Track: Graduates
Minimizing the Bias: A Social Justice Approach to Student Conduct
Thomas Hardiman – UNC Chapel Hill
Student Conduct is a core competency development area for many graduate and new professionals in the field of housing and residential life, but what if we have been approaching it incorrectly? In our increasingly litigious society, institutions are being pressed harder than ever to follow a rigid student conduct process that is fundamentally biased. This approach can be in conflict with the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS), which states that Student Conduct Programs must be responsive to the needs of individuals, diverse and special populations, and relevant constituencies (2012). This session will provide housing professionals the knowledge and skills to achieve both ends. Through the examination of A Social Justice Approach to Student Conduct (Wing & Marya, 2007), participants will learn how to reduce bias in the student conduct process, examine themselves to understand the bias they bring to a student conduct hearing, and create an inclusive environment that promotes student learning through the student conduct process.
Let’s Talk about Sexual Assault
Amy Gauthier & Paige Abe – UNC Chapel Hill
A quick internet search on the topic of sexual assault on college campuses reveals thousands of newspaper or journal articles dedicated to the subject. These documents recount stories of sexual assault from survivors as well as alleged perpetrators, most of which are highly critical of the role colleges and universities play in the adjudication process. As this issue gains momentum in the media and courts, the responsibility of student affairs staff to educate students on issues of reporting and prevention becomes key. This presentation will discuss one institution’s approach to working across departmental lines to develop increased awareness of resources as well as providing support measures for survivors. This presentation will provide participants with the opportunity to share resources and engage in dialogue about this important topic.
Developing Competencies: The Impact of RELI
Vickie Hawkins – Appalachian State & Jason Timpson/Michael Cherry – UNC Chapel Hill
RELI is the Regional Entry Level Institute. Sponsored by SEAHO and Southwest Contract, RELI is an intensive four day workshop for new housing professionals. Thirty-two participants are selected to work with eight seasoned faculty members in a cluster and large group environment. Presentations center on competencies for housing professionals: facilities management, crisis management, budgeting, supervision and others. Beyond the presentations, RELI offers a great opportunity to create a strong network of caring peers RELI alum can rely on for support and resources. RELI participants leave the experience with a newly defined identity as a new professional through the skill development, and learning about their host institution as well. We invite you to come and hear about the application process, personal testimonies from two attendees and a co-chair, and lessons learned from the experience that may help you in your professional housing role. The goals are to assist you in thinking strategically about your own professional development and learning more about the experience. We will also share how you can apply for RELI 2014, held at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.