Session 5 – October 18 at 10:30 a.m.

Student Development Theory
Michael Cherry – UNC Chapel Hill
Course content includes information about the various different theories and models that address the issues associated with individual student development and the development of relationships of people in groups. Material will include a general overview of how to use different models as well as the difference between types of models.

Two Years and Counting: Maximizing Graduate School Experiences
Bryan Botts – NC State University & Chris Gregory – UNC Greensboro
Your two years in graduate school are the foundation for your career in Student Affairs.  From meeting future colleagues, deciding which field is right for you, and even finding your first job, graduate school is where it all begins.  For this reason, it is critical to make the most of your experience.  In this session, program participants will: (1) Identify and describe experiences desired during graduate school and a plan of action to capture these experiences.(2) Review resources and opportunities available on campus and beyond to maximize and enhance desired experiences.(3) Construct and outline a plan of action to utilize resources and opportunities during enrollment within the graduate preparation program.
Track: Graduates

Staff of Color: The Challenges of Supervising
Stephanie Zee & Jason Timpson – Appalachian State
This presentation explores the intersections of being a person and professional of color and effectively supervising staff of color. Professionals of color may find themselves caught between a professional and personal response to offensive language, bias incidents or managing daily occurrences of mico-aggression. Supervision of racially privileged staff members can also contribute to the complex struggle. The same goes for staff of color supervised by a racially privileged person. This presentation offers a space where participants will gain insights into the successes and challenges of being a supervisor of color, supervising staff of color, acknowledge how being a supervisor of color may impact supervision styles and skills, examine possible connections between campus climate and professional development, and share personal reflections of best practices.

Creating Space and Finding Voice: Supporting Student Advocacy and Mental Wellness in the Residential Communities
Stacey Parker – UNC Chapel Hill
This presentation focuses on an innovative program created and implemented by students and administrators to address the increasing instances of severe mental health concerns within the on and off campus student residential communities.
Mental health/wellness remains one of the most pressing concerns on college campuses. In 2006, a large public institution located in the upper Midwest experienced a disturbing trend within one of its residential communities. In one multi-year community, the first year Honors students represented less than one-third of the residents in a building of 1300 students, yet 98 percent of the severe mental health concerns stemmed from this group. The established policy of addressing severe mental health concerns raised questions around fairness, inclusion, and sensitivity. Strong support and buy-in from key stakeholders led to the creation of a program that challenged previous notions of social justice and multiculturalism in addition to providing a space where all students can be successful.

Building a Collaborative First Year Experience (FYE) Program
Jane Weeks Gardiner – Methodist University
In 2011, a decision was made at Methodist University to expand a small FYE program to the entire freshman class. Led by the Center for Student Success team, an unprecedented partnership between the departments of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs has evolved. This presentation will outline the steps taken and the lessons learned in the development of the FYE program at Methodist University.
Jane Weeks Gardiner is currently Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Director of the Center for Student Success, and member of the President’s Cabinet at Methodist University. She has also served as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, and Chairman of the Music Department at Methodist University. Mrs. Gardiner earned her undergraduate degree in piano performance, cum laude, from Salem College where she was the recipient of the Rondthaler Award in Music. She earned a Master of Music in Piano Performance from The New England Conservatory of Music. She has been the recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship at Harvard University. In 2006, Mrs. Gardiner was awarded the Outstanding Faculty Award by the Methodist University Alumni Association and in 2007 she was the recipient of MethodistUniversity’s Professor of the Year Award. She has appeared several times as a soloist with the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra and continues to perform as a solo and collaborative pianist.